Ever since 9/11, people have gotten a little funky about cameras… There have been numerous incidents of casual and professional photographers being harassed or arrested, having cameras confiscated or their memory cards erased… all for exercising a fundamental constitutional right. Taking pictures.
Many would be photographers have found themselves at odds with law enforcement officials for filming officers in the line of duty, even though this is perfectly legal. Just search YouTube and you’re likely to find many examples.
The DOJ has issued a statement warning law enforcement that “Private individuals have a First Amendment right to record police officers in the public discharge of their duties.” The statement continues, “[O]fficers violate individuals’ Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights when they seize and destroy such recordings without a warrant or due process.”
You can read the full DOJ statement here.
Law enforcement officers have a difficult job, and must make life and death decisions on the spot about who poses a threat and who doesn’t. I have the utmost respect and support for the work they do, and the risks they take on daily basis.
I also really like the first amendment.
source: PDN